AEW Dynamite Fight For The Fallen Results 7-27 Danielson Returns

AEW Dynamite Fight For The Fallen Results 7-27 Danielson Returns

Welcome to our live “AEW Dynamite” viewing party. Tonight’s special show will air live from Worcester, Massachusetts at DCU Center. Our live coverage starts at 8pm ET. Please share coverage of tonight’s Viewing Party on social media and chime in along with your thoughts within the comments section below.

AEW Interim World Championship Match

Rush w/Jose vs. Jon Moxley (c)

Rush immediately jumps Jon Moxley, sending him out of the ring and into the barricade to get a fast start on the champion. Once they get back into the ring the challenger finally ends up biting the top of the BCC member, which busts him open as they then head back out of the ring with Rush licking the blood from the champion.

Jose then distracts the referee which just about allows Rush to make use of a chair but he misses, and while he throws Moxley back into the ring the challenger waits too long, and that enables Moxley to hit a suicide dive to the skin. Moxley then connects with just a few headbutts, following up by slamming Rush onto the steel stairs.

Rush responds with a superkick contained in the ring, and the fight then spills back outside with Rush using some cable to choke the champion. Back contained in the ring Rush attacks Moxley within the corner after which arrogantly kicks him, but he takes too long bragging, and Moxley responds with a rear choke, until Rush sends him into the highest turnbuckle.

Once more this one spills to the skin, but Moxley gets one of the best of the situation by launching Rush into the steel stairs. He manages to fulfill the count, just for Moxley to hit a superplex to proceed his control. The 2 men go forwards and backwards with chops and forearms, after which they go for German Suplexes each, with the champion coming out on top with a King Kong Lariat.

Rush doesn’t waste long in taking down the champion again though, with Moxley bouncing off the ropes immediately right into a German suplex. The champion responds himself with the classic stomps to the face, but as they get back up Rush hits the belly to belly, sending Moxley crashing into the turnbuckles.

They each head to the highest rope, and this time Moxley is in a position to bite his opponent, but then Jose distracts the official which allows Andrade El Idolo to look, pushing him onto the ropes. Lucha Brothers then appear and chase him away, taking this back to how we’re as Rush eats one other big lariat, only to reply with a knee strike to the jaw.

Ruah hits the Straightjacket Piledriver, but Moxley is in a position to kick out. He misses his try to attack within the corner, and Moxley then hits the Death Rider, just for Rush to kick out! The champion wastes no time though, locking him into the Bulldog and the challenger fades out.

Winner (and still champion): Jon Moxley

– After the match certain members of the Jericho Appreciation Society make their way out, and Jericho says it was an incredible match as Jericho is on a roll. But he says they’re on a job as well, and Daniel Garcia will kick Bryan Danielson’s head in tonight. Jericho then says Anna Jay called for a possibility and he gave her one.

Anna says she’s a recent Anna Jay, Anna JAS. She claims to be the sexiest and hardest and she or he’s not afraid to prove it as she is going to choke out everyone in the world. Jericho says Eddie Kingston brutalized him last week, but he beat him and now he’ll beat Moxley. He’s demanding his title rematch from his previous run in two weeks at Quake At The Lake.

Moxley says he hates Jericho and he hates this sports entertainment b——t they’re doing here, and he tells Jericho to shove the interim name up his ass, as he’s the two-time World Champion. He says if Jericho desires to step within the ring with him he needs to go away all of the trash at home, he doesn’t want the wizard, he wants the Lionheart. If the title might be defended, it should be Jon Moxley vs. the last survivor of the Hart Dungeon, Lionheart Chris Jericho.

– It’s announced that AEW World Trios Championships are coming. There might be a tournament to create the primary champions that may finish at AEW’s All Out.

– Dante Martin is backstage and he says Sammy can’t hack it on this roster anymore, he has been taking a vacation while he’s been working on a regular basis. But he could have Sky Blue in his corner tonight.

FTW Championship Match 

Danhausen vs. Ricky Starks (c)

Danhausen looks to curse Ricky Starks but he does the champions pose as a substitute, but he then eats a boot to the face and Starks shows the way it’s done, only to be hit with a pump kick after which a northern lights suplex. Starks gets sent into the second turnbuckle, and as he bounces off Danhausen almost gets a roll up win, just for Starks to wrap things up with a Spear straight after.

Winner (and still champion): Ricky Starks 

– Post-match Starks gets on the microphone, and he claims he has somewhat bit left within the tank, and he’s for real this time…which ends up in HOOK appearing.

FTW Championship Match 

HOOK vs. Ricky Starks (c)

HOOK starts unloading with fast hands on the champion after which a headbutt, following it up with a suplex that plants Ricky to the mat. Ricky responds by planting the challenger, and he then nails the Spear, but doesn’t go for the duvet. He looks for his finisher, but HOOK reverses with Red Rum to get the win.

Winner (and recent FTW Champion): Hook

– After the match, the 2 men share respect with a fist bump. Tony Schiavone then speaks with Starks, who says he’s okay with losing. He says he was given the title and other people said it was a noose, but he made it right into a tie and he brought it back to prominence and exceeded expectations. Starks says he deserves longer than 40 seconds to speak, and other people tell him to be patient, but he believes his time is at once. It’s not a string of bad luck, it’s bad timing, but then Powerhouse Hobbs levels him with a clothesline from behind! He follows it up with a spinebuster for good measure, leaving Starks laying.

– The Acclaimed are backstage they usually say they’re taking out the trash on Friday, hinting that a music video is coming about Gunn Club.

Sammy Guevara w/Tay Conti vs. Dante Martin w/Sky Blue

The 2 men go forwards and backwards with reversals, but Dante Martin comes out on top with a dropkick as he then mocks his opponent, catching him with one other kick as he then teases diving outside before coming back in. Sammy and Tay then start walking to the back, but Martin gives chase and attacks him.

He throws him off the ramp after which launches himself off himself, wiping Guevara out below. The 2 men then get back to the ring and the JAS member begins taking control with just a few sharp kicks, but Martin sends him out of the ring. He tries to dive out by Sammy catches him with a knee strike, and he then hits a dive himself.

Dante fights back after which looks for the Nose Dive but Sammy catches him on the ropes and throws him back, which tweaks his ankle. Despite the injury, Martin hits the Spanish Fly, but Sammy manages to kick out. Martin then misses with the Nose Dive, which allows Guevara to hit a cutter after which the GTH.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

– After the match, Guevara continues attacking him, and Conti and Sky Blue then start arguing until Anna Jay comes right down to attack Blue from behind. Eventually, Ruby Soho, Ortiz, and Eddie Kingston hit the ring, sending the heels packing.

– Daniel Garcia is then interviewed, questioning where Danielson has been, stating he’ll send him back to his garden tonight.

– Sonjay Dutt tries to create an excuse for Jay Lethal, but he gets involved and doesn’t need to speak about that, he desires to speak about Best Friends. The three of them then appear and Chuck Taylor challenges them to a six-man tag team match, but then he recalls Sonjay doesn’t work anymore. He loses his cool, and Dutt agrees to the match, only to then regret it.

– Jungle Boy then appears and he says Christian Cage is the largest pussy he has ever met in his entire life. He has watched him talk bullsh*t about his family, which is why he’s now essentially the most relevant he’s ever been, but when he returned Christian ran away. He didn’t know why he was so offended, and he claims that Cage was strapped for money and needed the cash when he eliminated him from the battle royal, claiming Cage’s wife had divorced him.

Jungle Boy says like all of the villains with turtle necks and small pr*cks, Cage needed a monster, but that monster was his best friend, and he was only being protected against him. No person was going to get his hands on him before him, and Jungle Boy says he can take words or chair shots.

Jungle Boy recalls standing three years ago when he dug his fathers grave, but Cage then appears backstage, he says Luchasaurus made a giant mistake as he had showed how he could guide him, but he threw it away to be Jungle Boy’s lap dog. He then claims he ran away from Jungle Boy as he was frightened of what he’d have done to him. Cage says the subsequent thing he drapes over him might be a body bag and he can cosy up beside his father. He claims Jungle Boy told him all his secrets, and now he’ll pray on them.

– It’s Cutler Cam time, and The Young Bucks hear in regards to the trios tournament, but they make it clear Brandon would never be their partner. They find yourself walking into Hangman Page as they want one another a completely happy birthday. Matt says he has been wanting to check with Page, but then The Dark Order appears and ruins the moment.

Tony Nese & Mark Sterling vs. Swerve Strickland

Swerve Strickland tries to attack Mark Sterling right away, but that enables Tony Nese to attack him from behind. While he gets some heat in, the champion responds by slamming Nese across his knee. They then brawl outside of the ring, but once more Sterling gets involved and that enables Nese to tug him right down to the ground along with his hair.

Sterling then tags in and gets just a few low-cost shots in before tagging straight back out. Nese continues to remain on top of things, hitting a superkick as he then works the ribs of Strickland, he fights back and Sterling makes an accidental tag as Nese then gets dropped with a right hand. He follows with a back elbow after which a diving uppercut to Nese for added impact.

Nese then gets a kick to the face where his legs hand from the underside rope, and Strickland dives excessive to take him out properly. Swerve and Sterling then get within the ring as he hits a giant kick to the side of the top.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

– Backstage Keith Lee has been taken out, and Josh Woods is standing over him looking dominant. As Strickland looks on, Nese charges in from behind and attacks him.

– House Of Black video package, where Brody King challenges Darby Allin to a coffin match.

AEW Women’s Championship Match

Miyu Yamashita vs. Thunder Rosa (c)

Thunder Rosa looks to start out confidently with a headlock, however the two then go forwards and backwards with some chain wrestling to try to gain the upper hand. Rosa and Miyu then begin fighting on the ring apron, but it surely results in the challenger swiping the leg of the champion to drop her onto the apron.

She then misses with a dive to the skin, and that enables Rosa to hit a dropkick after which several chops. Back contained in the ring, Yamashita takes control until the champion hits her with a stunner. She then charges in and hits double knees within the corner, Miyu fires back with a roundhouse kick after which several knee strikes to the chest.

The challenger connects with a German Suplex, but Rosa is in a position to kick out anyway. Miyu then nails the Skull Kick, however the champion is just in a position to get out of it!  Miyu hits several more shots to the top, and she or he then catches a knee strike attempt from Rosa, but she uses the opposite foot to nail a giant strike before hitting the Fire Thunder Driver for the win.

Winner (and still champion): Thunder Rosa

Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia

Bryan Danielson hits the ring immediately and attacks Daniel Garcia, nailing his traditional kicks within the corners in addition to his running dropkicks within the corner as he sends Garcia out of the ring, following it up with a tope suicida. Garcia holds the momentum outside the ring though, sending his opponent into the barricade as Garcia then exposes the concrete floor.

Bryan fights back though, sitting Garcia onto a chair as he nails his kicks, following up with a running dropkick that sends him flying into the barricade. Back contained in the ring, Bryan hits a missile dropkick, but it surely appears to harm Danielson as well, and that enables the JAS member to pounce, stomping down on him, following up with some chops.

Bryan then leaps over Garcia within the corner, but as he looks to proceed, Danielson collapses to the ground with Garcia taking this likelihood to throw him into the steps after which DDT him onto the concrete. Danielson is bust open following that, and Garcia continues attacking the BCC member back contained in the ring, as he then sticks his fingers into the open wound.

Danielson then slides under his opponent on the highest turnbuckle, attacking him from behind as he then launches Garcia back from the highest turnbuckle, with the move taking it out on each men. Once they get back up the 2 men go forwards and backwards going blow for blow with strikes, and Danielson comes out on top with some harsh shots.

Garcia then counters Bryan and locks in a sleeper hold, but he rolls through and locks in with the Cattle Mutilation, which he then follows up with a tiger suplex, which gets a near fall. He tries to hit the elbow attack, but Garcia reverses out of it to hit a few of his own, just for Danielson to reply with a suplex that nearly gets the victory, but not quite.

Danielson looks for his finisher but Garcia reverses with a clothesline, and he goals for a Scorpion Deathlock but Bryan gets out after which gets slapped by Garcia. The 2 men go forwards and backwards with strikes, but Danielson follows it along with his Running Knee finisher, but he can’t set within the Lebell Lock as Garcia scrambles out.

Danielson follows with the diving knee from the ring apron, but as he tries to get back into the ring, someone appears from the ring apron and grabs the boot of Danielson. The distraction allows Garcia to lock within the Sharpshooter, and Danielson finally ends up passing out.  It’s then revealed that Jake Hager was the person responsible under the ring.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

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